The fundamentals of web design you need for designing user-friendly websites

Key web design fundamentals to create user-friendly websites

When designing a website, most businesses make the mistake of not paying attention to usability. It’s essential for any website to be successful and should be the one thing that is a vital part of any web development project. Excellent usability for your website will translate into enhanced website performance and improve your chances of success. It also raises your revenue by boosting sales, as more people are likely to use and shop on your website.

If you want your website to be successful, it shouldn’t only look great, but it must also offer an exceptional user experience to all visitors. That’s why excellent usability is vital for every website, as that is what will differentiate your website from the rest of the competition. When it comes to web design and development, excellent website usability ensures that users can find information easily and quickly on your website and are more likely to visit it in the future.

There are several ways you can improve your website’s usability, and we will be sharing the key web design fundamentals that go into creating user-friendly websites. These key fundamentals will ensure that your website not only appeals to visitors but also enhances your chances of online success. Here are the key web design fundamentals to create user-friendly websites:

1.     Mobile Compatibility

Mobile compatibilityAs more people start using your website, they will be using their mobile phones to access and visit your site. Therefore, it’s become a necessity to have a mobile-optimized website. The key in ensuring that is by checking how your website loads on a mobile phone, and you can use several testers on Google to find that out.

If you learn that your website has poor performance on mobile devices, you should create a mobile version for your website that delivers excellent mobile compatibility.

2.     Accessible for all Users

Accessible to all usersAny user-friendly website needs to be easily accessible to every individual, including the disabled, elderly, and even the blind. All users must access your website easily, and most of them will rely on screen readers. You want to ensure that your website is designed to make it easily accessible to different people.

Making your website accessible to a larger audience further improves your chances of success and targets a larger customer base. Several online tools can help you achieve that for your website.

3.     Well-Planned Information Architecture

Well-planned information architectureHow information is presented and organized on your website also plays a vital role in the usability of your website. You want people to easily and quickly access the information they are looking for without wasting their time. However, most websites neglect this feature, which is one of the main reasons they have lower conversion rates.

You should plan to have information on your website displayed in sections, with an easy-to-navigate menu, so that people don’t get lost trying to access what they want. You should always be thinking about the usability of viewers on your website, as that will ensure success for you.

4.     Easily Scanned Content that is Well-Formatted

Easily scanned content that is well-formattedThere is no substitute for quality content, and if you don’t have that on your website, you will struggle to attract much traffic. The average user on the internet will skim through the information on a web page and not read every word written. They will scan different parts and sections of the content on your website, and if they don’t like the formatting or what is written, they won’t be returning.

Therefore, it is vital that the content on your website is well-formatted and can be easily scanned. Apart from being easy to read, it should also offer value to visitors. Correctly using paragraphs, headings, and sub-headings in the content will go a long way in ensuring that you break up text and make it easier for people to read your content.

5.     Lightning Fast Load Times

Lightning fast load timesPeople don’t have time to wait around for a website to load, and that’s a simple fact of life nowadays. Everything is instant, and if your website has slow speed, you will struggle to retain most of the users that will come to your website. You want to ensure that your website is loading at best 4 to 5 seconds after a user clicks on it, as anything more than that and they will leave to another website.

The website load time also affects your search rankings, and websites with slow loading times will be at the bottom of the pile. You can also use free tools that can help you gauge the load speeds of your website, and some third-party widgets and apps help in determining website speed as well.

6.     Browser Compatibility

Browser CompatibilityOne of the easiest things to overlook when designing a website is browser consistency. Most web developers don’t account that people will be using different browsers to view the website. It’s a grave error and affects your website usability, which is why you should pay attention to it. Even the most reputable websites suffer from browser compatibility issues.

Browsers today have evolved and have fewer inconsistencies with more efficiency. You want to ensure that anyone on the internet can easily access your website, no matter what browser they are using. Therefore, try and ensure that your website has excellent browser compatibility. It should behave consistently on all major browsers like Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. It’s what will set your website apart from the rest.


If you want your website to be successful and have a high conversion rate, you should ensure that it has exceptional usability. You want the maximum number of people to visit your website and provide a seamless experience to them at the same time. Therefore, it is pertinent to pay attention to web design and development best practices when designing your website. The key web design fundamentals we have discussed above will help you achieve that and ensure your website is successful.

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